Dr. Thomas Breucker

Consulting hours
by prior arrangement
- since 2018: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal "Teaching Exceptional Children
- since 2006: Research assistant: TU Dortmund University, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Rehabilitation and Pedagogy in Learning Disabilities
- 1997 - 2006: Teacher for special needs education: Schule an der Viktor-Reuter-Straße, Municipal special needs school with a special focus on learning, Hern
- 2014: Appointment as senior councillor in higher education service
- 2009: Appointment as a Studienrat in the university service
- 2006: Doctorate (Dr. päd.), University of Dortmund
- 1994: 2nd state examination for the teaching profession in special education
- 1992: 1st state examination for the teaching profession in special needs education
Scholarships and awards
- 2007: Dissertation Prize of the University of Dortmund
- 09/1995 - 08/1997: Doctoral scholarship from the Wilhelm Foundation for Rehabilitation Research in the Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany, Essen
- 09/1989 - 07/1990: Fulbright Scholarship at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA, USA
- Introduction to the Learning Focal Point (BA)
- Research-based Learning: Diagnosis of Learning Progress in the Learning Area Mathematics (BA)
- Models and Methods of Diagnosis and Individual Support (BA)
- Planning and Evaluation of Individual Support in Learning (MA)
- Introduction to the didactics of mathematics (MA)
- Support for pupils with numeracy difficulties at lower secondary level (MA)
- Research-based Learning: Formal and Informal Diagnostics for the Learning Areas German and Mathematics (MA)
- Preparation and supervision of the practical semester in the learning specialisation (MA)
- Curriculum Based Measurement and Response to Intervention in Mathematics Education
- Diagnosis and support for pupils with numeracy difficulties
- New media in German and mathematics lessons at special schools with a special focus on learning and in common lessons
- Quasi-experimental individual case research as a practice-oriented method of empirical (special) educational research
- 2014 - 2016 Collaboration in the author team: Förderkommentar zum Zahlenbuch (working title) (Klett Verlag: Stuttgart)
- 2011 - 2014 Advisor to the author team Klick! Mathematics (Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin)
- 2008 - 2010 Member of the team of authors: Klick! Mathematik (Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin): Development of textbooks and accompanying material for the diagnosis and support of pupils with special needs in the learning focus at secondary level 1 (learning area mathematics).
Conference paper
- Breucker, Th. (2016). Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Lernschwierigkeiten im inklusiven Unterricht. Wie lässt sich eine gezielte Förderung in der Praxis realisieren? Sommerschule Inklusion – Professional School of Education. Ruhr Universität Bochum
- Breucker, Th. (2015) Was braucht es, damit Inklusion gelingt? Herausforderungen und Handlungsansätze auf dem Weg zu einer inklusiven Schule. Impulsreferat im Rahmen der Podiumsdiskussion „Wenn Inklusion an Grenzen stößt“, VDS-Regionalverband, Aachen
- Breucker, Th. (2012). Lernverlaufsdiagnostik im Fach Mathematik im Rahmen inklusiver Bildung: Curriculumbasierte Diagnostik inhalts– und prozessbezogener Kompetenzen. Mathematik–Tagung: Guter Mathematikunterricht – Kompetenzen auf individuellen Lernwegen entwickeln. Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung, Hamburg
- Breucker, Th. (2011). Lernverlaufsdiagnostik im Fach Mathematik: Curriculumbasierte Messungen inhalts– und prozessbezogener Kompetenzen. 47. Arbeitstagung der Dozentinnen und Dozenten für Sonderpädagogik in deutschsprachigen Ländern – Jahrestagung der Sektion Sonderpädagogik der DGfE: „Forschungskulturen im Diskurs§ an der Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
- Breucker, Th. (2011). The Analysis of Change – Benefits of Frequent and Repeated Measurement. Research in Music Therapy Class (Dr. Douglas Keith) Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, GA, USA
- Breucker, Th. (2008). Single Subject Research – The Methodology of Choice?! Research in Health Sciences Class (Prof. Dr. Sandra Gangstead) Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, GA, USA
- Breucker, Th. (2008). Music Instruction with a Severely Disabled Girl. Research in Music Therapy Class (Dr. Douglas Keith) Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, GA, USA
- Breucker, Th. (2007). Erwerb und Transfer von Alltagsstrategien im Umgang mit Geld: Unterrichtliche Erprobung und Evaluation eines Simulationstrainings. Sonderpädagogischer Kongress »Erziehung und Unterricht – Visionen und Wirklichkeiten« des VDS (Verband Sonderpädagogik) in Frankfurt/Main
- Breucker, Th. (2007). Music Instruction with a Severely Disabled Girl. Research in Music Therapy Class (Dr. Douglas Keith) Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, GA, USA
- Breucker, Th. (2007). Special Needs Education in North Rhine–Westphalia. Mental Retardation Class (Prof. Dr. John Langone) University of Georgia, College of Education, Department of Communication Sciences and Special Education, Athens, GA, USA
- Breucker, Th. (2016). Pupils with learning difficulties in inclusive education. How can targeted support be realised in practice? Summer School Inclusion - Professional School of Education. Ruhr University Bochum
- Breucker, Th. (2016). The 'Wember-Raute' - a model for planning inclusive lessons?! Concretisation and critical reflection. Conference of the Ministry for School and Further Education NRW,: "We educate in schools of diversity - what does that mean for my teaching profession for the cooperation with different teaching offices? QUA-LiS, Soest
- Breucker, Th. (2016). Supporting pupils with mathematical learning difficulties. Pedagogical day at the school am Leithenhaus, Bochum.
- Breucker, Th. (2013). Competence-oriented mathematics teaching in practice. Symposium "Inklusion gestalten. Living and learning in school networks. Symposium on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the school in the Geisbach, Hennef.
- Breucker, Th. (2013). Competence-oriented support for pupils with numeracy difficulties in heterogeneous learning groups. Regional teacher training for schools in the district of Lippe. NRW Competence Team, Lippe District
- Breucker, Th. (2012). Substantial learning environments for inclusive mathematics teaching - Natural differentiation in heterogeneous learning groups. Conference: "Inklusion" Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung, Hamburg.
- Breucker, Th. (2012). Lernverlaufsdiagnostik inhalts- und prozessbezogener Kompetenzen in den Klassen 5 und 6: Entwicklung von kompetenzorientierten Lernstandserhebungen für den Unterrichtsalltag. Mathematics conference: "Guter Mathematikunterricht - Kompetenzen auf individuellen Lernwegen entwickeln" Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung, Hamburg.
- Breucker, Th. (2012). Open tasks in mathematics teaching: Natural differentiation in heterogeneous learning groups. Mathematics conference: "Guter Mathematikunterricht - Kompetenzen auf individuellen Lernwegen entwickeln. State Institute for Teacher Training and School Development, Hamburg.
- Breucker, Th. (2012). Diagnostics and support of pupils with special needs in inclusive learning groups. Summerschool 2012: Inklusion konkret! University of Duisburg/Essen
- Breucker, Th. (2012). Rechenschwäche/Dyskalkulie: Verstehen und diagnostizieren, Jugendliche gezielt fördern. Regional teacher training for schools in the district of Lippe. NRW Competence Team, Lippe District
- Breucker, Th. (2010). Rechenschwäche/Dyskalkulie: Verstehen und diagnostizieren, Jugendliche gezielt fördern. Further training event in the context of the Autumn Seminars for Vocational School Teachers 2010 (Department 20 - German and Ladin Vocational Education - Autonomous Province of Bolzano - South Tyrol). Bolzano, Italy
- Breucker, Th. (2009). Supporting pupils with arithmetic weaknesses. Workshop for the Psychological Counselling Services of the Youth Welfare Office of the City of Dortmund.
- Breucker, Th. (2009). Open Tasks in Mathematics Teaching: Natural Differentiation in Heterogeneous Learning Groups. Workshop on the occasion of the anniversary event "Forschendes Lernen mit Kopf, Herz und Hand - 10 Jahre Lernwerkstatt 'Fun2Teach' der TU Dortmund
- Breucker, Th. (2009). Dyscalculia. Workshop at the Albrecht-Brinkmann Primary School, Dortmund
- Breucker, Th. (2007). Stumbling block decimal fraction (grades 5 and 6). Workshop in the context of the Duisburg Maths Day
- Breucker, T. (2007a). Acquisition and transfer of everyday strategies in dealing with money. Practical testing and evaluation of a simulation training for pupils with intellectual disabilities. Munich: Allitera.
- Breucker, T. (2007b). Acquisition and transfer of everyday strategies in dealing with money. In F. Rumpler & P. Wachtel (Eds.), Education and teaching - Visions and realities (pp. 86-100). Würzburg: Verband Sonderpädagogik.
- Breucker, T. (2007)c. Acquisition and transfer of everyday strategies in dealing with money. Classroom testing and evaluation of a simulation training. Journal of Special Education (11), 452-463.
- Breucker, T. (2015). The world is colourful. Suggestions for the use of arithmetic stories in inclusive teaching. Grundschule aktuell (130), 14-17.
- Breucker, T., Freesemann, O., Häsel-Weide, U., Moser Opitz, E., Nührenbörger, M., & Wittich, C. (2019). Fördern im inklusiven Mathematikunterricht im Spannungsfeld zwischen gemeinsamen Lernsituationen und gezielter Förderung. Journal of Remedial Education, 70, 316-326.
- Freesemann, O. & Breucker, T. (2014). Promoting flexible translation processes. An important foundation for a comprehensive understanding of basic operations in pupils. Grundschulunterricht Mathematik, 60 (1), 8-12.