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Division of Participation in Learning Impairments at the TU Dortmund University of Technology
Our division conducts research and teaching on special education and school inclusion. The focus is on children, adolescents and young adults with learning disabilities.
Learning disabilities arise as a consequence of an insufficient fit between school learning requirements and current learning prerequisites of individual learners. They are the result of complex interactions between social, structural and individual factors. With the help of targeted and intensive support, it is possible for these learners to make learning progress and further develop their potential so that they can participate in society as independently as possible.
Our field deals with the living and learning situations of people with learning disabilities. We offer teaching in the areas of didactics, diagnostics and support in concrete school subjects or domains and prepare students of the teaching profession for working with students with special educational needs in learning.
On our pages you will find further information. In addition, we will inform you about examinations and theses for the courses of study in special needs education, teaching at grammar schools and comprehensive schools, and teaching at vocational colleges in relation to the special needs area of learning.
We are pleased about your interest!
From now on you will find all the latest information from our field here.
doctoral qualification

Deputy teacher

New substitute professor