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Department of Rehabilitation SciencesIn the learning specialisation, you will complete coursework and final module examinations in the Bachelor's programme.
Course achievements
The content and form of coursework is decided by the lecturer in whose seminar the coursework is taken.
You will receive information on this at the beginning of the course. Course achievements can be repeated as often as desired in the event of a "fail".
Final module examinations
You will take a total of two final module examinations in the learning specialisation, both in the form of a written examination:
Module SF-L 1: Written examination on the lecture "Basic Theories and Models in the Learning Specialisation" (SF-L 1.1).
Module SF-L 2: Combined written examination on the lectures "Common learning in inclusive teaching: Theories and models in learning difficulties" (SF-L 2.1) and "Didactic concepts in the learning focus" (SF-L 2.2).
Important! The exams are offered every semester, but the lectures are not.
Lecture in the winter semester | Lecture in the summer semester |
SF-L 1.1 „Grundlegende Theorien und Modelle im Förderschwerpunkt Lernen“ | SF-L 2.2 „Didaktische Konzeptionen im Förderschwerpunkt Lernen“ |
SF-L 2.1 „Gemeinsames Lernen im inklusiven Unterricht: Theorien und Modelle bei Lernschwierigkeiten“ |
Overview of course achievements and final module examination
In the specialisation Learning, you will complete coursework and module final examinations in the Master's programme.
Course work
The content and form of coursework is decided by the lecturer in whose seminar the coursework is completed.
You will receive information on this at the beginning of the course. Course work can be repeated as often as you wish if you fail.
Final module examinations
You will take a total of two final module examinations in the learning specialisation, in Module SF-L 3 in the form of a 30-minute oral examination and in Module SF-L4 in the form of a project work.
The oral examinations in the module SF-L 3 usually take place in the last three lecture weeks of a semester. Detailed information on registration can be found on the page of the examination coordination.
Recommendations for the preparation of the oral examination in the module SF-L3.
The project work in the module SF-L 4 relates to the content of one of the seminars you have attended in this module. The deadline for submission is 31.03. (winter semester) or 30.09. (summer semester).